
The Create Lead API provides a flexible set of processes for how to create a new lead or account.

Create Lead: A lead in Toqio is a potential client on the platform, which does not have an account yet created. In an automated process, this can be a temporary step in the setup of a new account and new users.

Invite Lead: The invite lead function triggers an email to the Lead User with a link for setting up their credentials. This is a boolean value in API. If a lead is not invited from the API, they can also be invited through the Toqio Admin Portal.

Bypass Compliance: In the standard process, once a user has set up their credentials, they will presented with either a set of Know Your Customer (KYC) or Know Your Business (KYB) screens. Once completed these are submitted for processing by a Compliance Marketplace Partner. Users are either automatically accepted, referred, or declined. If KYC or KYB is happening in a separate system, these screens can be bypassed. This is a boolean value in API.

Create Account: In the standard process, once a user has passed KYC or KYB checks, they are presented with a selection of currencies (if there is more than one) to choose from to set the currency of their account. This can also be set in the API by providing a Currency value on the Create Lead end point. If a value is provided for this field, the account will be created immediately, and the Account Details will be returned in the response.

Create User: This User is the primary user of the account. This user received the initial invite onto the platform.

Create Director: This allows you create and invite a director onto the platform. It also allows you to issue a single card, virtual or physical, to the director. If you are bypassing compliance, this section can be skipped, and the primary user can invite directors via the platform. If you are running compliance, director details are required to run director checks.

Create Shareholder: Shareholder details are only required if you are running compliance on Toqio. If you are running compliance on Toqio, the shareholder information you provide should align with your internal compliance policies. Normally our clients provide details for each shareholder who owns more than 25% of the shares, or the top shareholder who combined own at least 25% of the shares, if no single shareholder owns 25%. For clients operating in a high risk environment, this threshold often is reduced to 10%. If you are bypassing compliance, this section can be skipped.

Add Documents: Documents are only required if you are running compliance on Toqio. If you are running compliance on Toqio, the documents you provide should align with your internal compliance policies. These documents will be stored on Toqio and also sent via API to the Compliance Marketplace Partner you are using.

NOTE: If using Modulr as your banking provider and you are creating a BUSINESS client type, this is the list of industry codes you can use during creation inside client object

   "code": "I",
   "description": {
     "en": "Accommodation and food services"
   "code": "N",
   "description": {
     "en": "Administrative and support services"
   "code": "A",
   "description": {
     "en": "Agriculture, forestry and fishing"
   "code": "R",
   "description": {
     "en": "Arts, entertainment and recreation"
   "code": "F",
   "description": {
     "en": "Construction"
   "code": "P",
   "description": {
     "en": "Education"
   "code": "D",
   "description": {
     "en": "Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning"
   "code": "K",
   "description": {
     "en": "Financial and insurance services"
   "code": "Q",
   "description": {
     "en": "Human health and social work"
   "code": "J",
   "description": {
     "en": "Information and communication"
   "code": "C",
   "description": {
     "en": "Manufacturing"
   "code": "B",
   "description": {
     "en": "Mining and quarrying"
   "code": "X*",
   "description": {
     "en": "Online gambling or adult entertainment"
   "code": "S",
   "description": {
     "en": "Retail and other services"
   "code": "M",
   "description": {
     "en": "Professional, scientific and technical services"
   "code": "O",
   "description": {
     "en": "Public administration and defence\u00a0"
   "code": "L",
   "description": {
     "en": "Real estate"
   "code": "H",
   "description": {
     "en": "Transport and logistics"
   "code": "E",
   "description": {
     "en": "Water supply, sewerage and waste management"
   "code": "G",
   "description": {
     "en": "Wholesale and retail trade; vehicle repair"