v22.0.0 (Teitelbaum)

Release notes - TOQIO - Version v22.0.0 (Teitelbaum)

New Endpoints

  • Issue Account
  • Get Account Detail
  • Get List of Accounts
  • Cancel an account
  • Partner Products
  • Get Beneficiaries
  • Get Beneficiary Detail
  • Delete Beneficiary
  • Create Beneficiary
  • Update Beneficiary
  • Get Transaction Fee
  • Get Payment Bank Schemes

New Webhook Notifications

  • account-created
  • account-updated
  • beneficiary-created
  • beneficiary-updated
  • beneficiary-deleted

API Changes

  • For the endpoint POST WALLET/api/customers/{customerId}/transactions
  • Field Name Value Type Notes
    bankPaymentScheme String Available types:
    txFee Double If no value sent, value will be automatically calculated
    beneficiaryAccountId String IMPORTANT: previous functionality will be kept until clients have introduced this new functionality
  • For the endpoint POST IAM/api/customers/{customerId}/clients
  • Field Name Description Notes
    assetType Previous functionality
    Select the currency of the account. If you select a currency, once the lead is created, a bank account will be created too with the selected currency. This field will be removed and the account must be created calling the issue account endpoint
    account → will no longer be returned