V2.2.0 - Goldwasser
9 months ago by Toqio's Product Team
New "visible" Query Parameter for getBeneficiaries Endpoint
V1.10.0 - Feinler
about 1 year ago by Toqio's Product Team
Add the card ID returned by the banking provider to the response of the following endpoints:
V1.7.0 - Ruiz Robles
over 1 year ago by Toqio's Product Team
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<h2>New endpoints</h2>
<p>We have added two new endpoints that allow the rejection and deletion of clients: </p>
<br><div style={{ overflowX: "auto", overflow: "scroll" }}>
<th>New endpoint</th>
<td>Reject client</td>
<td>PUT "[{customerId}/clients/{clientId}/reject]({customerId}/clients/{clientId}/reject)"</td>
<td>Delete client</td>
<td>DELETE "[{customerId}/companies/{clientId}]({customerId}/companies/{clientId})"</td>
V1.1.0 - Wilkes
almost 2 years ago by Toqio's Product Team
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<p>During this release, we have added some new fields to the existing endpoints:</p>
<p>Three new fields in the response object of the following endpoints: <strong>Get accounts</strong>, <strong>Get account</strong>, <strong>Update Account Read Only</strong>, <strong>Cancel account</strong> and <strong>Create account</strong>:</p>
<pre><code>"wireRoutingNumber": "string",<br/>"achRoutingNumber": "string",<br />"ibanForSwift"; "string"<br/></code></pre>
<p><em>Please note that these fields only affect Currencycloud customers.</em></p>
<p>One new field in the response object of the following endpoints: <br /><strong>Get clients</strong>, <strong>Get client</strong>, <strong>Freeze company</strong> and <strong>Unfreeze company</strong>; This field will return Currencycloud if you have configured it as your payment provider; if not, it will return your main banking provider</p>
<pre><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang=""><span class="cm-s-neo">"paymentProvider": "string"<br />
<p>Two new fields in the response object of the following endpoints: <br /><strong>Get Transaction</strong> and <strong>Create Transaction</strong>:</p>
<pre><code>"purposeCode": "string", <br />"paymentProviderDetails": { <br />"shortReference": "string", <br />"internalReference": "string", <br />"paymentId": "string", <br />"conversionId: "string", <br />"rate": 0.0, <br />"settlementDate": "2023-04-13T06:35:25.726Z" <br />}</code></pre>
<p>Four new fields in the response object of the following endpoints: <strong>Get beneficiaries</strong>, <strong>Create beneficiary</strong>, <strong>Get beneficiary</strong> and <strong>Update beneficiary</strong>:</p>
<pre><code class="rdmd-code lang- theme-light" data-lang=""><span class="cm-s-neo">"aba": "string", <br />"clabe": "string", <br />"ifsc": "string", <br />"cnaps": "string"</span></code></pre>
<p>Please note that these fields only affect Currencycloud customers.</p>
<h2>New endpoints</h2>
<p>We have added some new endpoints that allow the creation of new users and set up user credentials: </p>
<br><div style={{ overflowX: "auto", overflow: "scroll" }}>
<th>New endpoint</th>
<td>Create user</td>
<td>POST "[\`{customerId}\`/clients/\`{clientId}\`/users/create"](\`{customerId}\`/clients/\`{clientId}\`/users/create")</td>
<td>Generate customer key</td>
<td>POST "[\`{customerId}\`/credentials/generateCustomerKey"](\`{customerId}\`/credentials/generateCustomerKey")</td>
<td>Create username</td>
<td>POST "[\`{customerId}\`/clients/\`{clientId}\`/users/\`{userId}\`/credentials/username"](\`{customerId}\`/clients/\`{clientId}\`/users/\`{userId}\`/credentials/username")</td>
<td>Create security questions</td>
<td>POST "[\`{customerId}\`/clients/\`{clientId}\`/users/\`{userId}\`/credentials/securityQuestions"](\`{customerId}\`/clients/\`{clientId}\`/users/\`{userId}\`/credentials/securityQuestions")</td>
<td>Create security code</td>
<td>POST "[\`{customerId}\`/clients/\`{clientId}\`/users/\`{userId}\`/credentials/securityCode"](\`{customerId}\`/clients/\`{clientId}\`/users/\`{userId}\`/credentials/securityCode")</td>
<td>Create password</td>
<td>POST "[\`{customerId}\`/clients/\`{clientId}\`/users/\`{userId}\`/credentials/password"](\`{customerId}\`/clients/\`{clientId}\`/users/\`{userId}\`/credentials/password")</td>
v28.0.0 (Keller)
almost 2 years ago by Monica Martinez
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<h2> Release notes - TOQIO - Version v28.0.0 (Keller)
<h2> API Changes
For this release we have updated some of our current endpoints related with billing.
<br>Old endpoints will be operative during a period of time but you will need to do the migration as at some points we are going to stop them and only new ones will be operative.<br>
<br><li>We have modified iam and wallet url to billing as you can see here. There are the endpoints affected:
<br><div style={{ overflowX: "auto", overflow: "scroll" }}>
<th>Deprecated endpoint</th>
<th>New endpoint</th>
<td>Get card fees</td>
<td>GET "<b style={{ color: "Tomato" }}>/iam/</b>api/customers/{customerId}/client/{clientId}/card/fees/{currency}"</td>
<td>GET "<b style={{ color: "MediumSeaGreen" }}>/billing/</b>api/customers/{customerId}/client/{clientId}/card/fees/{currency}"</td>
<td>Get account fees</td>
<td>GET "<b style={{ color: "Tomato" }}>/wallet/</b>api/customers/{customerId}/client/{clientId}/account/fees/{currency}"</td>
<td>GET "<b style={{ color: "MediumSeaGreen" }}>/billing/</b>api/customers/{customerId}/client/{clientId}/account/fees/{currency}"</td>
<td>Get transaction fees</td>
<td><b style={{ color: "Tomato" }}>GET</b> "<b style={{ color: "Tomato" }}>/wallet/</b>api/customers/{customerId}/clients/{clientId}/transactions/fees"</td>
<td><b style={{ color: "MediumSeaGreen" }}>POST</b> "<b style={{ color: "MediumSeaGreen" }}>/billing/</b>api/customers/{customerId}/clients/{clientId}/transactions/fees"</td>
NOTE: Documentation has been updated in version v4.0. You can see old versions in v3.0
<br>More information <a href="\\v4.0/reference/getnewaccountfees-2">here</a>