Direct debit

Save transaction webhook

In order for the Toqio system to correctly identify the direct debit transaction, it is important to include the following fields in the Save Transaction webhook:


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This endpoint is used to indicate if customer has activated the Direct Debit Outbound functionality for a particular currency

The expected response should be a boolean value indicating whether the specified customer has activated direct debit outbound functionality for the specified currency.

The following information is used to provide the user with details about the direct debit mandate:

merchantName: Name of the merchant (not the client).
mandateStatus: Status of the mandate (ACTIVE / CANCEL). amount: The agreed amount for the mandate. frequency: Frequency of the charge startDate: Date when the first charge is scheduled. nextPaymentDate: Date of the next scheduled payment.

This endpoint requires to return the list of mandates of the account. All of the mandates related to that account, does not matter the status (active or cancel).

mandateId: Unique identifier for the direct debit mandate.
merchantName: Name of the merchant (not the client). merchantAccountNumber: Merchant’s account number. merchantSortCode: account sort code merchantIban: account IBAN mandateStatus: Current status of the mandate (e.g., ACTIVE / CANCEL). frequency: Frequency of the charge currency: Currency of the mandate. amount: The agreed amount for the mandate.