Partner Product

Partner products should be used in the integration connector for all products a provider is planning to offer in the Toqio system (for example regular account, deposit account, saving account, points account, investment account, point of sales account).

Products in the Toqio system can have a custom name and one or multiple assigned currencies.

The Get partner products endpoint is responsible for retrieving from your integration connector available partner products for a given customer (i.e. not all products offered by a BaaS provider). It must be connected to the Product entity in the Toqio system. Product entity is used for an account (ledger) creation process where we show to the merchant (client or company) user the products available for them to create an account.


Path Params
customerId (Path Variable): The ID of the customer.

Query Params
countryCode (string), optional parameter: Responsible for retrieving partner products available for a particular country.

The field country code is optional and based on the nature of the request you will find two different use cases:

Request with Country code: This is usually for account creation. In that case you must return the list of partner products available for this country code if in your case you handle this value.
For example, you may have some data like holderBankAddress dependent on the countryCode parameter

Without country code: This is used to know all the partner products the provider has. Then you must return all the partner products, without filtering by country.

Response body - array of objects which include:

Code (string), obligatory: The code of the product defined in the provider integration connector. A partner product should always have it.
assetType(string): deprecated param
assetTypes (array of strings), obligatory: Defines the currency of the partner product. This field can only be used for fiat currencies and cannot be used for other asset types, such as loyalty points, investment assets etc.

Label (object), obligatory - This object is used to send the name of the partner product in different languages, it will be visible to users as the name of the Product but can be edited during product configuration
String es;
String en;
String zh;

holderBank (string), optional: The name of the banking provider of the partner product
holderBankAddress (string), optional: The address of the banking provider offering the partner product
holderBankSWIFT (string), optional: SWIFT of the banking provider offering the partner product.

correspondentBank (string), optional: The name of the correspondent bank if applicable
correspondentBankAddress (string), optional: The address of the correspondent bank if applicable
correspondentBankSWIFT (string), optional: SWIFT of the the correspondent bank if applicable

Schemes (array of strings), obligatory - This field represents a banking scheme supported by this partner product.

Read more about the bank payment schemes values we support.