When to use it: Use this webhook to register a new incoming payment/transaction into a merchant account.
When working with transactions, it is essential to use a common identifier to link multiple transactions associated with a single expense. To achieve this, ensure that the orderId field within the SAVE_TRANSACTION webhook contains the same unique value for all related transactions, such as reserve transactions, accepted transactions, and others.
For a proper categorisation of the transactions, make sure you are identifying the different fields, by looking at the Mapping and Enums documentation, paying special attention to the logic affecting the fields Pay type and Transaction type .
See all available transaction statuses
Dynamic fields
If you would like to display any additional information related to a transaction, you can pass this information using **dynamicFields** field.
Transaction title
Transaction title is used to identify the key description or label associated with a transaction. It helps users quickly understand the nature of the transaction. You can define your own transaction title or use Toqio default values. By default, the transaction title is populated with specific data based on Pay type The following rules apply:
- Card Transaction:
- Refund: The title is set to a static text value, "Refund - [merchant]", where [merchant] is the merchant field data. This title can be overridden if a custom title is provided by the system integrator.
- All Other Transaction Types: The title is populated with the
field name.
- Inbound Transactions:
- Refund: The title is set to "Refund - [source account name]," where [source account name] refers to the originating account. This can also be overridden by a custom title provided by the system integrator.
- All Other Transaction Types: The title is populated with the
sourceAccount name
- Outbound Transactions: the title is populated with the
destinationAccount name
. - Manual Transactions: the title is populated with the
Request Body per Pay Type
When sending the "Save Transaction" webhook, the required minimum fields vary depending on the pay type.
CARD: This type represents transactions made using debit cards
"id": "string",
"user": "string",
"company": "string", //mandatory
"customer": "string",// mandatory
"clientType": "BUSINESS | CONSUMER", //mandatory
"type": "EXPENSE | PAYMENT | INBOUND | PURCHASE | TAX | REFUND", //mandatory.
"payMethod" : "TSB_CARD | OTHERS", // The value can be TSB_CARDS, OTHERS or null.
"currency": "string", //mandatory
"baseCurrency": "string", //mandatory
"total": "number (double)",// mandatory
"baseTotal": "number (double)", //mandatory
"transactionNumber": "string", //mandatory
"merchant": "string",
"address": "string",
"date": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z",//mandatory
"sourceAccount": { //mandatory
"id": "string",//mandatory
"type": "aud | chf | cad | sek | goldbloc | usd | nok | whisky | jpy | nzd | gold | gbp | eur | czk | dkk | huf | pln | ron | ils | rub | bhd | sar | bgn | kes | sgd | kwd | zar | cny | myr | hrk | mxn | thb | try | omr | ugx | hkd | php | aed | inr | qar | idr | points",//mandatory
"name": "string",//mandatory
"iban": "string",//mandatory for European accounts
"bicSwift": "string",//mandatory for European accounts
"ukAccountNumber": "string",
"ukSortCode": "string",
"accountNumber": "string",
"routingNumber": "string",
"caRoutingNumber": "string",
"address": "string",
"address2": "string",
"city": "string",
"postalCode": "string",
"countryCode": "string"
"balance": "number (double)",
"country": "string",
"corePaymentType": "payment-type-Global-SWIFT | payment-type-UK-BACS | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Target2 | payment-type-UK-Chaps | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Step2 | payment-type-virtual-debit-card-debit | payment-type-inter-ledger | payment-type-UK-FasterPayments | payment-type-fx | payment-type-card | payment-type-card-reserve | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Instant | payment-type-AU-NPP | payment-type-EU-Target2 | payment-type-AU-DE | payment-type-US-ACH | payment-type-SG-FAST | payment-type-US-Wires | SPEI | AUS-PAY-NET | EFT | NCS | CERTIS | STRAKSCLEARING-Instant | INTRADAGCLEARING | CHATS | GIRO_ZRT | IMPS | NEFT | SKN | IBG | NORWEGIAN-INTERBANK-CLEARING-SYSTEM | PESONET | ELIXIR | TRANSFOND_SENT_ACH | FAST | INTERNAL-TRANSFER | RIX | FEDACH | FEDWIRE | CHIPS | SEPA | TARGET2 | DIRECT_DEBIT_OUTBOUND", //mandatory
"bankName": "string", //mandatory
"bankLogo": "string",
"bankDescription": "string", //mandatory
"failureReason": "string",
"finalTxNumber": "string",
"orderId": "string",
"dynamicFields" : [{
"label": {"en":"string", "es":"string", "zh":"string"},
"valueId": "string",
"value": "string"
"emails": ["string"],
"txFee":"number (double)",
"cardTransactionType":"Purchase | Withdrawal | Adjustment Credit | Purchase with Cashback | Account Funding | Quasi cash | Cash Advance | Unique MCC Transaction | Adjustment Debit | Purchase Return/Refund | Deposit | Card Load | Card Unload | Check Deposit | Original Credit | Payment Transaction | Account Verification"
CARD Request Body Parameters explained:
"id": “string”: Transaction ID assigned by Toqio
"user": "string": The ID of the user who initiated this transaction
"company": "string", //mandatory: The ID of the company(client) the card belong to
"customer": "string",// mandatory: The ID the Customer company(client) belongs to
"clientType": "BUSINESS | CONSUMER", //mandatory: This field identifies what client type the Merchant belongs to - business or consumer.
"type": "EXPENSE | PAYMENT | INBOUND | PURCHASE | TAX | REFUND", //mandatory: This field identifies transaction type. The Transaction Type field categorises transactions based on their purpose. Read more.
“payMethod” : “TSB_CARD | OTHERS” - Outlines the specific payment instruments or channels used to execute a transaction. The value can be TSB_CARDS, OTHERS or null. Read more
"status": "FAILED | PENDING | PENDING_APPROVAL | ACCEPTED | WITHHELD |CANCELLED | FAILED| BLOCKED | SETTLED | CAPTURED | IN DISPUTE",// mandatory: This field identifies the transaction status. Read more about it here.
"currency": "string", //mandatory: Represents the currency used in the transaction
"baseCurrency": "string", //mandatory: Represents the original currency in which the transaction was initiated. The value will be the same as in “currency” if no exchange was required.
"total": "number (double)",// mandatory: Represents the total amount of the transaction
"baseTotal": "number (double)", //mandatory: Represents the total in the original currency in which the transaction was initiated. The value will be the same as in “currency” if no exchange was required.
"transactionNumber": "string", //mandatory : This is the transaction ID created by the banking provider
"merchant": "string", This field is used to identify the merchant(seller) who accepted the transaction
"address": "string", The address of the merchant(seller), used for geocoding features
"payType": "CARD", //mandatory
"date": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z",//mandatory, This is the date when the transaction was initiated
"sourceAccount": //mandatory : The account the card belongs to
"id": "string", //mandatory. The ID of the source account
"type": "aud | chf | cad | sek | goldbloc | usd | nok | whisky | jpy | nzd | gold | gbp | eur | czk | dkk | huf | pln | ron | ils | rub | bhd | sar | bgn | kes | sgd | kwd | zar | cny | myr | hrk | mxn | thb | try | omr | ugx | hkd | php | aed | inr | qar | idr | points", //mandatory
"name": "string", //mandatory The name of the client (merchant or company). It is a company name, not the name of a user.
For European countries :
"iban": "string" This field is mandatory for European accounts
"bicSwift": "string" - This field is mandatory for European accounts
For UK accounts:
"ukAccountNumber" : "string" : This field is mandatory for UK accounts
"ukSortCode": "string": This field is mandatory for UK accounts
For USA accounts:
"routingNumber": "string": This field is mandatory for USA accounts
"accountNumber": "string": This field is mandatory for USA accounts
For Canadian accounts:
"caRoutingNumber": "string" : Canadian Routing Number. This field is mandatory for Canadian accounts in combination with the "accountNumber" field
"accountNumber": "string": This field is mandatory for Canadian accounts
"address" "string": The address field of the client (merchant or company), sending primary address information like street name and street number. It is a company address, not an address of a user. Obligatory parameter.
"address2:" "string": An address field allowing to add secondary address information, like apartments, suites, and PO Boxes. Optional parameter.
"city": "string": The city field of the address of the client (merchant or company).Obligatory parameter.
"postalCode": "string": The postal code field of the address of the client (merchant or company). Obligatory parameter.
"countryCode": "string"(obligatory): This represents the country code of the country where the account has been created.
"balance": "number (double)",: The account balance after the transaction. Can be sent as a null value, if not available. For example, “01.23”
"country": "string": the country where the account related to the card was opened
"corePaymentType": "payment-type-Global-SWIFT | payment-type-UK-BACS | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Target2 | payment-type-UK-Chaps | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Step2 | payment-type-virtual-debit-card-debit | payment-type-inter-ledger | payment-type-UK-FasterPayments | payment-type-fx | payment-type-card | payment-type-card-reserve | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Instant | payment-type-AU-NPP | payment-type-EU-Target2 | payment-type-AU-DE | payment-type-US-ACH | payment-type-SG-FAST | payment-type-US-Wires | SPEI | AUS-PAY-NET | EFT | NCS | CERTIS | STRAKSCLEARING-Instant | INTRADAGCLEARING | CHATS | GIRO_ZRT | IMPS | NEFT | SKN | IBG | NORWEGIAN-INTERBANK-CLEARING-SYSTEM | PESONET | ELIXIR | TRANSFOND_SENT_ACH | FAST | INTERNAL-TRANSFER | RIX | FEDACH | FEDWIRE | CHIPS | SEPA | TARGET2 | DIRECT_DEBIT_OUTBOUND", //mandatory : Identifies the payment type used for this transaction. Read more.
"bankName": "string", //mandatory: The name of the banking provider of the card. It is used to generate transaction statements.
"bankLogo": "string": The logo of the banking provider as a url of a png image. It is used to generate transaction statements.
"bankDescription": "string", //mandatory: This is data associated with the transaction from the banking provider. It is not displayed to the end user.
"failureReason": "string": This field allows you to provide the reason for the transaction failure in case it occurred.
"finalTxNumber": "string",: If provided we will use this value instead of the value of the txNumber
"orderId": "string", : Used to link card transactions with an associated reserve transaction in cases when both have a different transaction number
"dynamicFields" : [{ Used to pass any additional information you might need to display in the transaction details. Read more
"label": {"en":"string", "es":"string", "zh":"string"},
"valueId": "string",
"value": "string"
"emails":["string"], The list of email addresses used to send a notification related to the transaction
"advancedInvoiceId": "string": The ID of the advanced invoice
"transactionTitle" :"string": If provided, we use it as transaction title shown to the end user
"cardId": "string",//mandatory: This field sends the ID of the card used to create the transaction.
"txFee": " "number (double)"", : The fee charged for this transaction by the card provider
"cardTransactionType" : "Purchase | Withdrawal | Adjustment Credit | Purchase with Cashback | Account Funding | Quasi cash | Cash Advance | Unique MCC Transaction | Adjustment Debit | Purchase Return/Refund | Deposit | Card Load | Card Unload | Check Deposit | Original Credit | Payment Transaction | Account Verification" : This field provides an enum value to identify the type of use of the card
INBOUND_BANK_TRANSFER: This type signifies funds received through bank transfers.
"id": "string",
"company": "string", //mandatory
"customer": "string", //mandatory
"clientType": "BUSINESS | CONSUMER", //mandatory
"type": "EXPENSE | PAYMENT | INBOUND | PURCHASE | TAX | REFUND", //mandatory.
"payMethod" : "TSB_CARD | OTHERS", // The value can be TSB_CARDS, OTHERS or null.
"currency": "string",// mandatory
"baseCurrency": "string",// mandatory
"total": "number (double)",// mandatory
"baseTotal": "number (double)",// mandatory
"transactionNumber": "string", //mandatory
"date": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z",//mandatory
"sourceAccount": { //mandatory
"id": "string",//mandatory
"type": "aud | chf | cad | sek | goldbloc | usd | nok | whisky | jpy | nzd | gold | gbp | eur | czk | dkk | huf | pln | ron | ils | rub | bhd | sar | bgn | kes | sgd | kwd | zar | cny | myr | hrk | mxn | thb | try | omr | ugx | hkd | php | aed | inr | qar | idr | points",//mandatory
"name": "string",//mandatory
"iban": "string",//mandatory for European accounts
"bicSwift": "string",//mandatory for European accounts
"ukAccountNumber": "string",
"ukSortCode": "string",
"accountNumber": "string",
"routingNumber": "string",
"caRoutingNumber": "string",
"address": "string",
"address2": "string",
"city": "string",
"postalCode": "string",
"countryCode": "string"
"balance": "number (double)",
"country": "string",
"corePaymentType": "payment-type-Global-SWIFT | payment-type-UK-BACS | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Target2 | payment-type-UK-Chaps | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Step2 | payment-type-virtual-debit-card-debit | payment-type-inter-ledger | payment-type-UK-FasterPayments | payment-type-fx | payment-type-card | payment-type-card-reserve | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Instant | payment-type-AU-NPP | payment-type-EU-Target2 | payment-type-AU-DE | payment-type-US-ACH | payment-type-SG-FAST | payment-type-US-Wires | SPEI | AUS-PAY-NET | EFT | NCS | CERTIS | STRAKSCLEARING-Instant | INTRADAGCLEARING | CHATS | GIRO_ZRT | IMPS | NEFT | SKN | IBG | NORWEGIAN-INTERBANK-CLEARING-SYSTEM | PESONET | ELIXIR | TRANSFOND_SENT_ACH | FAST | INTERNAL-TRANSFER | RIX | FEDACH | FEDWIRE | CHIPS | SEPA | TARGET2 | DIRECT_DEBIT_OUTBOUND", //mandatory
"bankName": "string", //mandatory
"bankLogo": "string",
"bankDescription": "string",// mandatory
"failureReason": "string",
"dynamicFields" : [{
"label": {"en":"string", "es":"string", "zh":"string"},
"valueId": "string",
"value": "string"
"emails": ["string"],
"id": "string",
"type": "gbp | eur | aud | chf | cad | sek | usd | points | nok | jpy | sgd | nzd | czk | dkk | huf | pln | ron | ils | rub | bhd | sar | bgn | kes | kwd | zar | cny | myr | hrk | mxn | thb | try | omr | ugx | hkd | php | aed | inr | qar | idr",//mandatory
"iban": "string",//mandatory for European accounts
"bicSwift": "string",//mandatory for European accounts
"ukAccountNumber": "string",
"ukSortCode": "string",
"routingNumber": "string",
"caRoutingNumber": "string",
"accountNumber": "string",
"address": "string",
"address2": "string",
"city": "string",
"postalCode": "string",
"countryCode": "string",
"bankingProvider": "string"
INBOUND_BANK_TRANSFER Request Body Parameters explained:
"id": “string”: Transaction ID assigned by Toqio
"company": "string", //mandatory: The ID of the company(client) the card belong to
"customer": "string",// mandatory: The ID the Customer company(client) belongs to
"clientType": "BUSINESS | CONSUMER", //mandatory: This field identifies what client type the Merchant belongs to - business or consumer.
"type": "EXPENSE | PAYMENT | INBOUND | PURCHASE | TAX | REFUND", //mandatory: This field identifies transaction type. The Transaction Type field categorises transactions based on their purpose. Read more.
“payMethod” : “TSB_CARD | OTHERS” - Outlines the specific payment instruments or channels used to execute a transaction. The value can be TSB_CARDS, OTHERS or null. Read more
"status": "FAILED | PENDING | PENDING_APPROVAL | ACCEPTED | WITHHELD |CANCELLED | FAILED| BLOCKED | SETTLED | CAPTURED | IN DISPUTE",// mandatory: This field identifies the transaction status. Read more about it here.
"currency": "string", //mandatory: Represents the currency used in the transaction
"baseCurrency": "string", //mandatory: Represents the original currency in which the transaction was initiated. The value will be the same as in “currency” if no exchange was required.
"total": "number (double)",// mandatory: Represents the total amount of the transaction
"baseTotal": "number (double)", //mandatory: Represents the total in the original currency in which the transaction was initiated. The value will be the same as in “currency” if no exchange was required.
"transactionNumber": "string", //mandatory : This is the transaction ID created by the banking provider
"payType": "CARD", //mandatory
"date": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z",//mandatory, This is the date when the transaction was initiated
"sourceAccount": //mandatory : The account the transaction was generated from
"id": "string", //mandatory. The ID of the source account
"type": "aud | chf | cad | sek | goldbloc | usd | nok | whisky | jpy | nzd | gold | gbp | eur | czk | dkk | huf | pln | ron | ils | rub | bhd | sar | bgn | kes | sgd | kwd | zar | cny | myr | hrk | mxn | thb | try | omr | ugx | hkd | php | aed | inr | qar | idr | points", //mandatory
"name": "string", //mandatory. The name of the client (merchant or company). It is a company name, not the name of a user.
For European countries :
"iban": "string" This field is mandatory for European accounts
"bicSwift": "string" - This field is mandatory for European accounts
For UK accounts:
"ukAccountNumber" : "string" : This field is mandatory for UK accounts
"ukSortCode": "string": This field is mandatory for UK accounts
For USA accounts:
"routingNumber": "string": This field is mandatory for USA accounts
"accountNumber": "string": This field is mandatory for USA accounts
For Canadian accounts:
"caRoutingNumber": "string" : Canadian Routing Number. This field is mandatory for Canadian accounts in combination with the "accountNumber" field
"accountNumber": "string": This field is mandatory for Canadian accounts
"address" "string": The address field of the client (merchant or company), sending primary address information like street name and street number. It is a company address, not an address of a user. Obligatory parameter.
"address2:" "string": An address field allowing to add secondary address information, like apartments, suites, and PO Boxes. Optional parameter.
"city": "string": The city field of the address of the client (merchant or company).Obligatory parameter.
"postalCode": "string": The postal code field of the address of the client (merchant or company). Obligatory parameter.
"countryCode": "string"(obligatory): This represents the country code of the country where the account has been created.
"balance": "number (double)",: The account balance after the transaction. Can be sent as a null value, if not available. For example, “01.23”
"country": "string": the country where the account related to the card was opened
"corePaymentType": "payment-type-Global-SWIFT | payment-type-UK-BACS | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Target2 | payment-type-UK-Chaps | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Step2 | payment-type-virtual-debit-card-debit | payment-type-inter-ledger | payment-type-UK-FasterPayments | payment-type-fx | payment-type-card | payment-type-card-reserve | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Instant | payment-type-AU-NPP | payment-type-EU-Target2 | payment-type-AU-DE | payment-type-US-ACH | payment-type-SG-FAST | payment-type-US-Wires | SPEI | AUS-PAY-NET | EFT | NCS | CERTIS | STRAKSCLEARING-Instant | INTRADAGCLEARING | CHATS | GIRO_ZRT | IMPS | NEFT | SKN | IBG | NORWEGIAN-INTERBANK-CLEARING-SYSTEM | PESONET | ELIXIR | TRANSFOND_SENT_ACH | FAST | INTERNAL-TRANSFER | RIX | FEDACH | FEDWIRE | CHIPS | SEPA | TARGET2 | DIRECT_DEBIT_OUTBOUND", //mandatory : Identifies the payment type used for this transaction. Read more.
"bankName": "string", //mandatory: The name of the banking provider of the card. It is used to generate transaction statements.
"bankLogo": "string": The logo of the banking provider as a url of a png image. It is used to generate transaction statements.
"bankDescription": "string", //mandatory: This is data associated with the transaction from the banking provider. It is not displayed to the end user.
"failureReason": "string": This field allows you to provide the reason for the transaction failure in case it occurred.
"dynamicFields" : [{ Used to pass any additional information you might need to display in the transaction details. Read more
"label": {"en":"string", "es":"string", "zh":"string"},
"valueId": "string",
"value": "string"
"emails":["string"], The list of email addresses used to send a notification related to the transaction
"advancedInvoiceId": "string": The ID of the advanced invoice
"transactionTitle" :"string": If provided, we use it as transaction title shown to the end user
"destinationAccount"://mandatory : The account to which the inbound bank transfer was sent
"id": "string": Account ID assigned by Toqio.
"type": "gbp | eur | aud | chf | cad | sek | usd | points | nok | jpy | sgd | nzd | czk | dkk | huf | pln | ron | ils | rub | bhd | sar | bgn | kes | kwd | zar | cny | myr | hrk | mxn | thb | try | omr | ugx | hkd | php | aed | inr | qar | idr", : //mandatory. Currency of the account
For European countries :
"iban": "string" This field is mandatory for European accounts
"bicSwift": "string" - This field is mandatory for European accounts
For UK accounts:
"ukAccountNumber" : "string" : This field is mandatory for UK accounts
"ukSortCode": "string": This field is mandatory for UK accounts
For USA accounts:
"routingNumber": "string": This field is mandatory for USA accounts
"accountNumber": "string": This field is mandatory for USA accounts
For Canadian accounts:
"caRoutingNumber": "string" : Canadian Routing Number. This field is mandatory for Canadian accounts in combination with the "accountNumber" field
"accountNumber": "string": This field is mandatory for Canadian accounts
"address" "string": The address field of the client (merchant or company), sending primary address information like street name and street number. It is a company address, not an address of a user. Obligatory parameter.
"address2:" "string": An address field allowing to add secondary address information, like apartments, suites, and PO Boxes. Optional parameter.
"city": "string": The city field of the address of the client (merchant or company).Obligatory parameter.
"postalCode": "string": The postal code field of the address of the client (merchant or company). Obligatory parameter.
"countryCode": "string"(obligatory): This represents the country code of the country where the account has been created.
"bankingProvider": "string" - ID of the banking provider assigned by Toqio
"concept":"string"//mandatory : This field represents the description of purpose of a transaction
OUTBOUND_BANK_TRANSFER: This type denotes funds sent through bank transfers.
"id": "string",
"user": "string",
"company": "string", //mandatory
"customer": "string", //mandatory
"clientType": "BUSINESS | CONSUMER", //mandatory
"type": "EXPENSE | PAYMENT | INBOUND | PURCHASE | TAX | REFUND", //mandatory.
"payMethod" : "TSB_CARD | OTHERS", // The value can be TSB_CARDS, OTHERS or null.
"currency": "string", //mandatory
"baseCurrency": "string", //mandatory
"total": "number (double)", //mandatory
"baseTotal": "number (double)", //mandatory
"transactionNumber": "string", //mandatory
"date": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z",//mandatory
"sourceAccount": { //mandatory
"id": "string",//mandatory
"type": "aud | chf | cad | sek | goldbloc | usd | nok | whisky | jpy | nzd | gold | gbp | eur | czk | dkk | huf | pln | ron | ils | rub | bhd | sar | bgn | kes | sgd | kwd | zar | cny | myr | hrk | mxn | thb | try | omr | ugx | hkd | php | aed | inr | qar | idr | points",//mandatory
"name": "string",//mandatory
"iban": "string",//mandatory for European accounts
"bicSwift": "string",//mandatory for European accounts
"ukAccountNumber": "string",
"ukSortCode": "string",
"accountNumber": "string",
"routingNumber": "string",
"caRoutingNumber": "string",
"address": "string",
"address2": "string",
"city": "string",
"postalCode": "string",
"countryCode": "string"
"balance": "number (double)",
"country": "string",
"corePaymentType": "payment-type-Global-SWIFT | payment-type-UK-BACS | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Target2 | payment-type-UK-Chaps | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Step2 | payment-type-virtual-debit-card-debit | payment-type-inter-ledger | payment-type-UK-FasterPayments | payment-type-fx | payment-type-card | payment-type-card-reserve | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Instant | payment-type-AU-NPP | payment-type-EU-Target2 | payment-type-AU-DE | payment-type-US-ACH | payment-type-SG-FAST | payment-type-US-Wires | SPEI | AUS-PAY-NET | EFT | NCS | CERTIS | STRAKSCLEARING-Instant | INTRADAGCLEARING | CHATS | GIRO_ZRT | IMPS | NEFT | SKN | IBG | NORWEGIAN-INTERBANK-CLEARING-SYSTEM | PESONET | ELIXIR | TRANSFOND_SENT_ACH | FAST | INTERNAL-TRANSFER | RIX | FEDACH | FEDWIRE | CHIPS | SEPA | TARGET2 | DIRECT_DEBIT_OUTBOUND", //mandatory
"bankName": "string", //mandatory
"bankLogo": "string",
"bankDescription": "string", //mandatory
"failureReason": "string",
"dynamicFields" : [{
"label": {"en":"string", "es":"string", "zh":"string"},
"valueId": "string",
"value": "string"
} ],
"emails": ["string"],
"frequency":"CUSTOM, LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH, WEEKLY, EVERY_OTHER_WEEK, MONTHLY, DAILY",//mandatory for direct debit transactions only
"destinationAccount": //mandatory
"id": "string",
"type": "gbp | eur | aud | chf | cad | sek | usd | points | nok | jpy | sgd | nzd | czk | dkk | huf | pln | ron | ils | rub | bhd | sar | bgn | kes | kwd | zar | cny | myr | hrk | mxn | thb | try | omr | ugx | hkd | php | aed | inr | qar | idr",//mandatory
"iban": "string",//mandatory for European accounts
"bicSwift": "string",//mandatory for European accounts
"ukAccountNumber": "string",
"ukSortCode": "string",
"routingNumber": "string",
"caRoutingNumber": "string",
"accountNumber": "string",
"address": "string",
"address2": "string",
"city": "string",
"postalCode": "string",
"countryCode": "string",
"bankingProvider": "string",
OUTBOUND_BANK_TRANSFER Request Body Parameters explained:
"id": “string”: Transaction ID assigned by Toqio
"user": "string": The ID of the user who initiated this transaction
"company": "string", //mandatory: The ID of the company(client) the card belong to
"customer": "string",// mandatory: The ID the Customer company(client) belongs to
"clientType": "BUSINESS | CONSUMER", //mandatory: This field identifies what client type the Merchant belongs to - business or consumer.
"type": "EXPENSE | PAYMENT | INBOUND | PURCHASE | TAX | REFUND", //mandatory: This field identifies transaction type. The Transaction Type field categorises transactions based on their purpose. Read more.
“payMethod” : “TSB_CARD | OTHERS” - Outlines the specific payment instruments or channels used to execute a transaction. The value can be TSB_CARDS, OTHERS or null. Read more
"status": "FAILED | PENDING | PENDING_APPROVAL | ACCEPTED | WITHHELD |CANCELLED | FAILED| BLOCKED | SETTLED | CAPTURED | IN DISPUTE",// mandatory: This field identifies the transaction status. Read more about it here.
"currency": "string", //mandatory: Represents the currency used in the transaction
"baseCurrency": "string", //mandatory: Represents the original currency in which the transaction was initiated. The value will be the same as in “currency” if no exchange was required.
"total": "number (double)",// mandatory: Represents the total amount of the transaction
"baseTotal": "number (double)", //mandatory: Represents the total in the original currency in which the transaction was initiated. The value will be the same as in “currency” if no exchange was required.
"transactionNumber": "string", //mandatory : This is the transaction ID created by the banking provider
"payType": "CARD", //mandatory
"date": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z",//mandatory, This is the date when the transaction was initiated
"sourceAccount": //mandatory : The account the transaction was generated from
"id": "string", //mandatory. The ID of the source account
"type": "aud | chf | cad | sek | goldbloc | usd | nok | whisky | jpy | nzd | gold | gbp | eur | czk | dkk | huf | pln | ron | ils | rub | bhd | sar | bgn | kes | sgd | kwd | zar | cny | myr | hrk | mxn | thb | try | omr | ugx | hkd | php | aed | inr | qar | idr | points", //mandatory
"name": "string", //mandatory. The name of the client (merchant or company). It is a company name, not the name of a user.
For European countries :
"iban": "string" This field is mandatory for European accounts
"bicSwift": "string" - This field is mandatory for European accounts
For UK accounts:
"ukAccountNumber" : "string" : This field is mandatory for UK accounts
"ukSortCode": "string": This field is mandatory for UK accounts
For USA accounts:
"routingNumber": "string": This field is mandatory for USA accounts
"accountNumber": "string": This field is mandatory for USA accounts
For Canadian accounts:
"caRoutingNumber": "string" : Canadian Routing Number. This field is mandatory for Canadian accounts in combination with the "accountNumber" field
"accountNumber": "string": This field is mandatory for Canadian accounts
"address" "string": The address field of the client (merchant or company), sending primary address information like street name and street number. It is a company address, not an address of a user. Obligatory parameter.
"address2:" "string": An address field allowing to add secondary address information, like apartments, suites, and PO Boxes. Optional parameter.
"city": "string": The city field of the address of the client (merchant or company).Obligatory parameter.
"postalCode": "string": The postal code field of the address of the client (merchant or company). Obligatory parameter.
"countryCode": "string"(obligatory): This represents the country code of the country where the account has been created.
"balance": "number (double)",: The account balance after the transaction. Can be sent as a null value, if not available. For example, “01.23”
"country": "string": the country where the account related to the card was opened
"corePaymentType": "payment-type-Global-SWIFT | payment-type-UK-BACS | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Target2 | payment-type-UK-Chaps | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Step2 | payment-type-virtual-debit-card-debit | payment-type-inter-ledger | payment-type-UK-FasterPayments | payment-type-fx | payment-type-card | payment-type-card-reserve | payment-type-EU-SEPA-Instant | payment-type-AU-NPP | payment-type-EU-Target2 | payment-type-AU-DE | payment-type-US-ACH | payment-type-SG-FAST | payment-type-US-Wires | SPEI | AUS-PAY-NET | EFT | NCS | CERTIS | STRAKSCLEARING-Instant | INTRADAGCLEARING | CHATS | GIRO_ZRT | IMPS | NEFT | SKN | IBG | NORWEGIAN-INTERBANK-CLEARING-SYSTEM | PESONET | ELIXIR | TRANSFOND_SENT_ACH | FAST | INTERNAL-TRANSFER | RIX | FEDACH | FEDWIRE | CHIPS | SEPA | TARGET2 | DIRECT_DEBIT_OUTBOUND", //mandatory : Identifies the payment type used for this transaction. Read more.
"bankName": "string", //mandatory: The name of the banking provider of the card. It is used to generate transaction statements.
"bankLogo": "string": The logo of the banking provider as a url of a png image. It is used to generate transaction statements.
"bankDescription": "string", //mandatory: This is data associated with the transaction from the banking provider. It is not displayed to the end user.
"failureReason": "string": This field allows you to provide the reason for the transaction failure in case it occurred.
"dynamicFields" : [{ Used to pass any additional information you might need to display in the transaction details. Read more
"label": {"en":"string", "es":"string", "zh":"string"},
"valueId": "string",
"value": "string"
"emails":["string"], The list of email addresses used to send a notification related to the transaction
"advancedInvoiceId": "string": The ID of the advanced invoice
"transactionTitle" :"string": If provided, we use it as transaction title shown to the end user
"txFee":"string", The fee charged for this transaction by the merchant’s customer
"fxRate":"string", Exchange rate
"fixedSide":"string", The fixedSide parameter is an enum that determines which side of the foreign exchange (FX) transaction has a fixed amount. In an FX transaction, there are two sides: the sender (payer) and the beneficiary (receiver).
"beneficiaryCurrencyAmount": "string", The amount in the currency supported by the Beneficiary’s account
"reference": "string", Reference related to this payment transaction
"postingDate": "string", The date when transfer has been initiated
"settlementDate": "string",The date when transfer has been settled
"mandateId" :"string",The ID of the payment mandate
"frequency":"CUSTOM, LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH, WEEKLY, EVERY_OTHER_WEEK, MONTHLY, DAILY" //mandatory for direct debit transactions only
"destinationAccount"://mandatory : The account to which the outbound bank transfer was sent
"id": "string": Account ID assigned by Toqio.
"type": "gbp | eur | aud | chf | cad | sek | usd | points | nok | jpy | sgd | nzd | czk | dkk | huf | pln | ron | ils | rub | bhd | sar | bgn | kes | kwd | zar | cny | myr | hrk | mxn | thb | try | omr | ugx | hkd | php | aed | inr | qar | idr", : //mandatory. Currency of the account
For European countries :
"iban": "string" This field is mandatory for European accounts
"bicSwift": "string" - This field is mandatory for European accounts
For UK accounts:
"ukAccountNumber" : "string" : This field is mandatory for UK accounts
"ukSortCode": "string": This field is mandatory for UK accounts
For USA accounts:
"routingNumber": "string": This field is mandatory for USA accounts
"accountNumber": "string": This field is mandatory for USA accounts
For Canadian accounts:
"caRoutingNumber": "string" : Canadian Routing Number. This field is mandatory for Canadian accounts in combination with the "accountNumber" field
"accountNumber": "string": This field is mandatory for Canadian accounts
"address" "string": The address field of the client (merchant or company), sending primary address information like street name and street number. It is a company address, not an address of a user. Obligatory parameter.
"address2:" "string": An address field allowing to add secondary address information, like apartments, suites, and PO Boxes. Optional parameter.
"city": "string": The city field of the address of the client (merchant or company).Obligatory parameter.
"postalCode": "string": The postal code field of the address of the client (merchant or company). Obligatory parameter.
"countryCode": "string"(obligatory): This represents the country code of the country where the account has been created.
"bankingProvider": "string" - ID of the banking provider assigned by Toqio
"concept":"string"//mandatory : This field represents the description of purpose of a transaction