Get Beneficiary Filters

Toqio will call this endpoint to know what accounts are available as destination of funds given an origin account, being origin account the account holding the funds the enduser wants to settle. From an enduser perspective, when selecting the origin account when initiating a payment, beneficiaries accounts will be shown according to this endpoint response.

Path Params

customerId (Path Variable): The ID of the customer.
clientId (Path Variable): The ID of client (merchant or company) .

Body Params

The currency of the source account from which the Merchant user is about to make a payment or transfer funds. This field can be null or empty.

canSeeFxPayments(boolean): A boolean indicating if FX payments can be seen. This field will always have a value by default. It is a primitive type so only can be true or false, and null value is not accepted. The default value is retrieved from the existing configuration for the Customer.

accountCountry( EU,UK, EU_UK): The country of the source account, an enum. The possible values are going to be EU, UK, EU_UK. This property can not be null, as it will always have a value.

  • EU: If accounts are ONLY in EUR or in GBP in the EU (any EU country, including Spain), only SEPA payments will be used
  • UK: If accounts are ONLY in EUR or in GBP in the UK,
    payments are allowed to “GB”, “IM”, “GG”, “JE”, “GI” = Great Britain, Isle of Man, Guernsey, Jersey,Gibraltar
  • EU_UK: If accounts are in EUR or in GBP in the EU AND in EUR or in GBP in the UK, payments are allowed to “GB”, “IM”, “GG”, “JE”, “GI” = Great Britain, Isle of Man, Guernsey, Jersey,Gibraltar and SEPA payments will be used

ownAccount(Boolean): Indicates whether the destination account is also owned by the same Merchant user who owns the source account. The user is moving funds between their own accounts. This field will always have a value by default. It is a primitive type so only can be true or false. The type Boolean is the one that admits nulls.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!