Loan Object Configuration

⚙️To be set up in the Integration you will be building for a Loan


  • loanId
  • lendingRequestId (optional)
  • Account Object an account which a Lending Provider sends loan funds to
  • customerId used in the Toqio system to identify a Customer
  • merchantId used in the Toqio system to identify a Merchant
  • productType currently limited to “SHORT_TERM_LOAN” and “CASH_ADVANCE”
  • providerName name of the Lending Provider
  • currency currency the loan will be in
  • fundingDate funding date
  • loanStatus loan status: pending to be funded, funded, repaid, in default
  • currentAmount the outstanding amount yet to be repaid
  • maturityDate the maturity date by which the loan needs to be repaid - APPLICABLE FOR “SHORT_TERM_LOAN” ONLY
  • interestRate amount in % - APPLICABLE FOR “SHORT_TERM_LOAN” ONLY
  • monthlyRepayment the amount which needs to be paid monthly until the original amount is reached in full- APPLICABLE FOR “SHORT_TERM_LOAN” ONLY
  • fundedAmount the funded amount (the amount that the merchant borrowed)
  • rateType currently limited to fixed rate only
  • originalAmount the original amount (the amount that the merchant borrowed plus the fee Lender charged. i.e. the total amount that the merchant needs to repay)
  • repaymentTerms object(APPLICABLE FOR “CASH_ADVANCE” ONLY):
    • "basisPoints" the repayment that is deducted daily from incoming net volume;
    • "estimatedDays" the estimated term for repaying the loan, in days;
    • "Threshold amount” the 30-day repayment threshold, i.e the amount to be repaid within each 30 days
    • “ Started at” the starting day of repayment
  • Currently reached Threshold amount how much is reached for the currently targeted 30 days threshold amount -APPLICABLE FOR “CASH_ADVANCE” ONLY
  • currentAmountAtRepay the Current Amount at the time of full loan repayment, if applicable
  • aheadBehindValue how far ahead/behind the loan repayments are from the expected amount
  • aheadBehindPercentage how far ahead/behind the actual average payments are from the average expected payments as a percentage
  • currentAmountAtWriteOff the Current Amount at the time of loan write-off, if applicable
  • creditRatingScore Credit rating score assigned by Lender or Third-party provider (optional)